Mars theme Overview:
Mars is a universal multipurpose theme for creators and designers. It can be used to create a beautiful and attractive corporate website for agencies, blogs, portfolios, or even for digital stores. Advanced Themes Settings panel gives you unlimited control under your website appearance, layout, fonts, colors, and many more in one place.
Mars Theme GPL Full Features List
We developed the most advanced and features rich themes for WordPress. Here is a list of all options and possibilities you will get purchasing our theme.
Mars Theme GPL Core Features
- advanced WooCommerce integration
- Based on Elementor drag & drop builder
- 50 Elementors elements
- Powerful Header builder
- Unlimited Theme Settings
- Settings presets
- Multipurpose layouts
- 100% Responsive & Retina ready
- WordPress 5.0 support
- Multilanguage ready (WPML)
- 100% Translations ready
- SEO optimized
- Gutenberg support
- RTL support
- GDPR compliant
- Online Documentation
- Dedicated support team
- Video tutorials
- One-click easy installation
- Dummy Content included
- Clean and well-organized codebase
- PHP Object-Oriented standards
- Minified JS and CSS files
- Cross-Browser Compatibility: Firefox, Safari, Chrome, IE11, Edge
- Frequent automatic updates
- Drag & Drop mega menu
- My account links
- Shopping cart widget
- Mobile navigation
- Sticky header
- Header overlap
- Colors customizations
- Parallax on scroll for all elements
- Upload custom icons for elements
- One page navigation
- Advanced search for different post types
- Flexible layout
- Custom container width
- Sticky sidebar
- Off-canvas sidebar for different devices
- Cookie law info popup
- Page title layouts
- Built-in breadcrumbs
- Prefooter area
- Unlimited Footer layouts
- Copyrights area
- Scroll to top button
- Pages custom backgrounds
- Unlimited colors
- Advanced typography settings
- Buttons customizations
- Upload custom fonts
- Typekit fonts
- Google fonts
- Header banner
- Custom headers for pages
- Custom CSS
- Custom JS
- Settings import/export
- Custom 404 pages
- Portfolio styles
- AJAX filters
- Load more button
- Infinite loading
- Masonry grid
- Appearance animations
- Minified CSS
- Minified JS
- Combine JS option
- Lazy loading for images
- Different blog styles
- Load more button
- Infinite loading
- Masonry grid
- Appearance animations
- Boxed content layout
- Author bio area
- Related posts
- WordPress Post formats
- Post video & audio
Social Integrations
- Instagram photos API
- Google login/register
- Google maps
- Facebook login/register
- Social counters
- Share Buttons
- Social Follow Buttons
- VK login/register
- Twitter feed
Single Product
- Drag & drop single product builder
- Images zoom
- Images carousel
- Different thumbnails positions
- Additional variations images
- 360-degree view
- Product Video
- Custom tabs
- About brand tab
- Products navigation
- Before & after add to cart content
- Share buttons
- Product reviews images
- Sticky add to cart buttons
- Different product hovers
- AJAX filters
- AJAX search
- Variations on the shop pages
- Variations swatches
- Promo popup
- SKU search
- Catalog mode
- Login to see prices
- Sale countdown timer
- Open sidebar widget after adding to cart
- Popup after adding to cart
- Responsive grid settings
- Load more button
- Infinite loading
- Masonry grid
- Appearance animations
- Stock progress bar
- NEW, HOT, SALE labels
- Brands functionality
- Built-in compare (no plugins required)
- Built-in wishlist (no plugins required)
- Built-in quick view (no plugins required)
- Categories in page title
- Advanced filters area
- Different categories styles
- AJAX Products tabs element
- Custom theme widgets
- Custom sidebars
- Built-in slider with effects
- HTML Blocks
- SVG support
- Custom Google maps styles
- Maintenance mode option
- Child theme included
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